kinesiology pretoria

Your Body is Made to Heal Itself

Kinesiology Pretoria is natural, safe and non-invasive modality that uses muscle-checking to identify energy imbalances in the body.  
The innate intelligence of the body holds all the answers to optimal health according to a person’s DNA code. Factors such as challenges and stresses, poor lifestyle choices, poor nutrition and pollution overload the lymphatic- and organ system and the body’s ability to rid itself of toxins.  This causes blockages and prevent the body to do what it was designed to do. 
The same principle applies for the emotional, energy and mental systems of the body.  For example if a person doesn’t deal with emotions in an appropriate way blockages are caused and the body will manifest some symptom of illness or dis-ease as a warning that something needs attention.
Stressors / blockages that prevent optimal health and functioning are identified through muscle-checking as well as the best course of action to clear them.

What does kinesiology actually do?



Find the underlying cause of your problem/illness/dis-ease.


Align the physical body by organizing its neurology (nevous system), taking the client out of fight and flight and freeing up energy to use elsewhere.


Balances the muscular system of the body relieving aches and pains. Balances the Immune, digestive and reproductive systems of the body.


Re-trains the brain to let go of defensive patterns in favour of adaptability to life’s challenges and changes


Stimulates the endocrine (hormonal) system of the body helping with menopausal symptoms, adrenal fatigue, etc


Clears inappropriate genetic, mental, emotional & behavioural patterns that manifest as inappropriate knee-jerk reactions, allowing the client to make OWN decisions and choices.

Some of the Specific Conditions


Emotional Difficulties

Emotional difficulties such as depression, anger, self-punishment, low self-esteem, fears and fobias relationship issues, etc are very often the underlying cause of illness. The solution might lie in breaking a connection between an incident, the perception about the incident and the emotion relating thereto.

Physical Aches & Pains

Physical aches and pains including back and neck pain, joint pains, grinding of teeth, scoliosis, etc can be treated by aligning the physical body, organizing the neurology of the body or balancing certain muscles. All aches and pains are connected to either an emotion or mental/thought pattern and therefore the problem is treated holistically by also addressing these involved blockages.

Mental Health Issues

The mind is very powerful and often the cause of disease and an unbalanced life. Negative beliefs lead to bad habits often resulting in illness. This can be addressed by finding and clearing existing inappropriate or negativebrain patterns. In this process genetics that impede a person’s coping abilitiesare identified and cleared, allowing the person to “live his own life” free of ancesteral baggage.

Hormonal Dysfunction

Menopausal symptom such a night sweats, hot flushes and adrenal fatigue, etc can be addressed by stimulating the hormonal system and/or addressing emotional or mental factors that play a part in the dysfunction.

Sport Injuries

Sport injuries often occurs due to a misalignment in the joints, neck or back or muscles that are unbalanced. Balancing a person’s structure (skelet) and muscles are at the basis of the healing process.

Learning Difficulties

Learning difficulties such as dyslexia, ADD, ADHD can be addressed by correcting the position of certain cranial bones and clearing underlying emotional- and/or mental issues.

Digestive Problems

Digestive problems are more often than not indicative of somebody not coping with life. Problems like IBS, constipation, diarrhoea, reflux/heartburn, etc can be treated by aligning the body physically or by clearing negative emotional or mental patterns

Weight Issues

Excess weight could have a hormonal-, nutritional, mental or emotional cause. The priority cause is identified through muscle testing as well as the manner in which the issue should be approached.

About Me

“Hi, I’m Zandra van Tonder. I am a Kinesiologist, passionate about helping you become the best version of yourself.
I came to Kinesiology searching for answers from my personal experience. I had tried many other ways to move forward.
Nothing changed my life with the same positive impact as Kinesiology.”

Zandra van Tonder is a Pretoria based Specialised Kinesiologist. She has been practicing specialized kinesiology for more than 15 years and is a member of the Association for Specialised Kinesiologists South Africa (ASKSA).


Specialised Kinesiology Pretoria

Specialised kinesiology incorporates various schools of kinesiology and assesses a client’s health by checking the following:
  •  The physical and neurological alignment of the body
  •  Emotional and mental functionality
  •  Movement of muscles
  •  Meridian/organ systems
  •  Energy systems
Specialised Kinesiology is non-invasive, safe and gentle and searches for the origin/cause of a problem/illness/dis-ease. Kinesiology is geared towards YOU and YOUR unique requirements.
There is no one-size-fits-all approach to any aspect of your health which is why specialised kinesiology simply works.

Distant Sessions Available via Skype

Remote or Distance’ Kinesiology is just as effective and powerful as in-person appointments. Everything is energy, and energy knows no boundaries in time and space.

Remote or Distance Kinesiology appointments work in the same way  as an ‘in-person’ appointment

Kinesiology Pretoria uses ‘muscle monitoring’ to easily and simply access your subconscious, and so discover what is holding you back from living the life you desire – in a remote session, I will surrogate for your muscles – meaning I will use my muscles to reach your subconscious!

“..everything is energy & that’s all there is to it…there can be no other way…this is physics..” (Albert Einstein).

So, we reach each other through connected energy and quantum fields – I connect to your energy, use my own muscles in place of yours and so am able to discover the blockages, fears, stagnation that needs addressing for your goal to be reached.



AcuDetox is ear acupunctureThe protocol is based on Traditional Chinese Medicine where the aim is to restore the proper flow of energy (Qi) which in turn enables the organ systems of the body to function optimally.
Similar to the hands and feet all organ systems are represented in the ears.  Needles are inserted into only 5 points which makes is a simple but extremely effective way of returning the body to homeostasis (balance) and health.
The following 5 points are treated during a session:
  • The sympathetic point balances the sympathetic (fight/flight) and para-sympathetic (rest and recover) nervous systems, alleviates pain 
  • The Shen Men point is beneficial to relieve anxiety, depression, insomnia & illness related to the heart such as high blood pressure. 
  • The liverpoint helps  optimally bringing about clearer vision, less stiffness in muscles & alleviates gynaecological problems.
  • The kidney point helps to balance emotions, imbalances of the ears, fear, etc.  It plays a role in the aging process & eliminates toxins.
  • The lung point balances the organ system of the lungs, elimination of toxins, assists with the immune system, and protects the body from disease. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Everybody willing to accept responsibility for their own health, looking to remove blockages in a natural way and thereby enabling the body to function optimally and heal itself.

During the 1st appointment the client’s health is assessed by discussing his health history. 
The kinesiologist provides an explanation of the how and why of procedures and decides in conjunction with the client a course of action. 
The duration of a session is more of less an hour. Generally the neurology of a person can comfortably integrate new patterns in 45 minutes.  Clients remains fully clothed during sessions. 
Specialised Kinesiology is client specific and unique to every client. 
For this reason it is not possible to predict beforehand what the specific needs of a person will be. The discomfort that has urged a client to look for help didn’t develop overnight and will possibly not disappear after 1 session.
The general suggestion is that it could take between 3-5 sessions depending on the severity of the problem. In most cases the client experiences relief/change already after the first session.

 Kinesiologists refer to the work done on the client during a consultation or session as a balance.  Essentially implying that the holistical body which include the physical-, mental-, emotional- and energy bodies of the body is brought back into homeostasis or balance.

 The procedures are safe with built-in checks and balances to ensure safety.  It is advisable that a client finds a kinesiologist that is registered with an association.

Allergies, sensitivities and intolerances can be cleared effectively through specialized kinesiology.  Different approaches can be followed and through muscle testing the best approach for the client is identified.

Emotional problems are treated very effectively through the different specialized kinesiology procedures. 
Inappropriate emotional patterns are the cause of many diseases and because most people shy away from their emotions they built up resistance to it which cause blockages.  Where there are blockages illness will soon follow.

Specialised kinesiology is gentle and non-invasive and can be  helpful to animals and babies in the same way that it is helpful to humans and adults. 

Specialised kinesiology procedures are very helpful for children with
  • learning difficulties
  • anxiety
  • bedwetting
  • acid reflux
  • trauma
  • emotional
  • mental and
  • behavioural problems

Specialized kinesiology can be very helpful with the above issues.  The treatment could be physical of nature or it could be approached from an emotional or mental angle.  A combination of the approaches is possible.

Client Testimonials

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